Martin Preuveneer's August 2007 Archive Visit

JRGS Alumni Society

The Croydon Archives:
School Log Book - Page 215

Croydon Council home page

 School Log Book - page 215

This page recorded the last entry from Mr. Lowe at Tamworth Road on December 22, 1954, the end of the Autumn Term, and his first entry on 11th January, 1955, when the school re-opened after the Christmas Holiday at the new premises on Upper Shirley Road.

First day in ShirleyMr. Lowe records a message in his School Record from The Mayor, Alderman Basil Monk, and the Deputy Mayor and Chairman of the Educations Committee, Alderman G. J. Cole. "On the occasion of the opening session of the School in the new building at Shirley, it has been our pleasure to attend and wish the School and all members (staff and pupils) every happiness and success during the years which lie ahead," they wrote. Click on the thumbnail left to view a larger image.

Copyright Croydon Council. Reproduced by permission of Croydon Local Studies Library and Archives Service.

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