JRGS Paul Graham Images
JRGS Alumni Society

O/A-Level Textbooks
and Practical Notebooks

JRGS Alumni Society


We have uploaded here some fascinating sample pages supplied by Paul Graham (JRGS 1959-66) from his Latin,
history and geography notebooks used during the 5U/O-Level year in 1962/63, plus A-Level Physics and Chemistry.

Simply click on the graphic to view a larger image.

Brodie's Caesae Gallic War

Brodie page 3


History page1

History page2

Brodie's Caesar;s Gallic War

Cover of Brodie's "Caesar Gallic
War V"

O-Level Latin:
"Caesar: Gallic War V"

O-Level Geography:
Bay-head beach

O-Level History:
Origins of the
First World War

O-Level History:
More on the
First World War

A-Level Physics:
Cover of Practical Experiments

Physics page 18.1

Physics 18.2

Physics page 18.3

Physics page 18.4

Physics page 27.1

Physics page 27.2

A-Level Physics:
Verification of
Charles' Law

A-Level Physics:
Charles' Law

A-Level Physics:
Charles' Law
results plot

A-Level Physics:
Air's coefficient
of expansion

A-Level Physics:
Surface tension
of soap film

A-Level Physics:
Surface tension
theory & results

Chemistry page 1

Chemsistrty page 2

Chemistry page 3

Chemstry page 4

of A-Level

of A-Level

A-Level Chemistry:

A-Level Chemistry:
More phosphorus

Intra-Group Separations


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