JRGS Maurice Whitfield CGE A-Level papers
JRGS Alumni Society

A-Level Exams from
Summer 1966

JRGS Alumni Society


We have uploaded here an array of University of London GCE A-Level examination papers from Summer 1966,
kindly provided by Maurice Whitfield (JRGS 1959-66) ). Simply click on the graphic to view a larger image.

As Maurice writes: "These GCE A-Level examination papers are seven and nine pages long, respectively.
The syllabus we pursued then with Mr. Alan "Eggo" Murray, the History Teacher, is all contained within the first
three pages of each, as best I remember." Click on any thumbnail to view a large version. And here for a PDF file.
   "The doodles are my own. I did badly at History A-Level; but okay in Art - an A - and English Literature - a B".

History IIA  A-Level - 1966 History IIA  A-Level - 1966 History IIA  A-Level - 1966
History III  A-Level - 1966 History III  A-Level - 1966 History III  A-Level - 1966

All material ©1966 University of London, All rights reserved. Reproduced under Fair-Use Doctrine for research.

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