JRGS School Magazine Mar 1947
JRGS Alumni Society

March 1947 School Magazine

Series III - Number 1

JRGS Alumni Society


Here is a scanned copy of the March 1947 edition of JRGS School Magazine, kindly supplied by Dudley Wolf and imaged by Paul Graham (JRGS 1959-66). (Dudley provided two wood cuts for the magazine - see page 6  and page 20; he also received an Arts Prize, as mentioned on page 2.) Each of the images are offered as individual JPEG files. Click here to access a continuous document. [Warning: It is a large file.]


Paul Graham writes: This edition carries Mr. Lowe's first editorial, and evidence that six other staff we knew [1959 thru 1966] were there as early as 1947.
   The centre spread of this edition, pages 18 and 19 - and included as a double-page spread as "Pro Patria" below -  lists the names of nearly 70 JRCS pupils who made the supreme sacrifice in World War Two. The title "Pro Patria" is taken from a line by Horace: "Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori." ["It is sweet and proper to die for one's country".]



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