JRGS School Magazine May 1968
JRGS Alumni Society

May 1968 School Magazine

JRGS Alumni Society


Here is a scanned copy of the May 1968 edition of JRGS School Magazine, kindly supplied by Victor Ross and scanned by Paul Graham. Each of the images are offered as individual JPEG files.
Paul Graham writes: It's a hefty edition, with 46 pages. I have scanned the last eight pages of advertisements (pp. 39 thru 46) at 75 dpi rather than 150 dpi and they seem to work okay. I imagine that the highlights are: Mr. "Joe" Lowe's thoughts on the impending end of grammar schools (in Croydon anyway), with Chris Chataway as guest speaker at Speech Day - his athletics colleague Chris Brasher died in Late-February; a photo of the Fairfield Halls in its heyday (page 7); more "Know Your Staff" (pages 10- 11), with the revelation that Mr. "Wally" Cracknell was one of the interviewees from the last mag; and a typically acerbic comment on the school cricket team by Mr. "Smuts" Smith (page 36).
   Many thanks to Victor Ross for supplying this edition. Victor admits that he now cannot decode much more than about 10% of his prefectorial in-jokes on page 38.



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