JRGS School Magazine Mar 1958
JRGS Alumni Society

March 1958 School Magazine

Series III - Number 20

JRGS Alumni Society


Here is a scanned copy of the March 1958 edition of JRGS School Magazine, which results from a visit in August 2003 by Paul Graham (JRGS 1959-66) and Nick Goy (JRGS 1963-70) to the Local Studies Library and Croydon Archives. Each of the images are offered as individual JPEG files.
Paul Graham writes: Highlights of this issue are page 1 and page 3 - Mr. Lowe reveals details of how the school got its “John Ruskin” name, with quotations from Stewart Robinson, Chief Inspector of Schools for Croydon, plus other information about the early life of the school; page 4 and page 27 - Mr. Lowe and others waxing lyrical about bulbs and shrubs; page 5 - School trips to Germany, Davos in Switzerland (skiing) and Yorkshire (Geography field trip); page 6 - The unusual fate of a poisoned fox. (Would a school nowadays take such interest?); page 6 - The arrival at JRGS of staff members Neville Graham (PE), Kenneth Maggs (Latin/Senior Divinity), Martin Nunn (Geography), Ronald Woodward (Senior English) and L. R. Howden (Senior Economics); page 9 - July 1957 GCE O- and A-Level results; page 15 - A visit to Brantwood in the Lake District, home of John Ruskin; page 18 to page 28 - The usual club and society news; page 25 and page 26 - A contribution from the late Mr. Alan Murray on the school Debating Society; page 31 - The move of the sports grounds from Waddon to Oaks Road; and page 35 -News of a new publication from JRGS Alumnus and distinguished sociologist Dr Terence Morris.



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