JRGS School Magazine Jul 1920
JRGS Alumni Society

July 1920 School Magazine

Series I - Number 1

JRGS Alumni Society


Here is a copy of the July 1920 school magazine, which results from a visit in August 2003 by Paul Graham (JRGS 1959-66) and Nick Goy (JRGS 1963-70) to the Local Studies Library and Croydon Archives.
   Each of the images are offered as individual JPEG files and here as a continuous PDF file.

Paul Graham writes: Here we have the very first school magazine. Because this edition was bound with others, sometimes the text near the spine is distorted, but I think it is all readable. The most interesting aspects - from a viewpoint 80+ years on - are the school motto information on page 2, the mention of Councilor Muggeridge (Malcolm's father) on page 6, and the humorous article on school dinners on page 13.

  I suppose it is just conceivable that pupils from 1920 might just be still alive, though now in their Nineties.

 Click here to access a version of the 1920 School magazine as a PDF document. [Warning: the file is large.]


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