JRGS School Magazine Jul 1957
JRGS Alumni Society

July 1957 School Magazine

Series III - Number 19

JRGS Alumni Society


Here is a scanned copy of the July 1957 edition of JRGS School Magazine, which results from a visit in August 2003 by Paul Graham (JRGS 1959-66) and Nick Goy (JRGS 1963-70) to the Local Studies Library and Croydon Archives. Each of the images are offered as individual JPEG files.
Paul Graham writes: At last I have got around to scanning the last of the magazines I photocopied at Croydon Archives ages ago. Apologies, as always, for the less than perfect quality as they are scanned from black and white photocopies. We now have a complete run of magazines from 1950 through 1971; there is a small handful of gaps from the 1945-50 period.
   Highlights of this issue are Mr. Lowe getting excited on page 3 and page 4 about some promised Ruskin mementoes. It is thought that his optimism got the better of him, since the subject was never mentioned again.
   Page 6 records a modern piece of technology acquired - a tape recorder - plus a welcome to Mr. Tryon as well as farewells to Mssrs Fisher, Culcheth, Lawes and S. E. Murray. On page 10 is a picture and report of Mr. Peacock's traditional Yorkshire moors trip. I wonder if Mr. May has memories of his taking a school party to Spain with the late Mr. Warne - page 12? A trip to the Tate Gallery in Central London by three senior art students, courtesy of Mr. Gee's car, is written up on page 16 - how times change.
   On page 18 Richard Baker, BBC-TV newsreader, was the guest at Junior Prizegiving. He reveals he was taught by Mr. Hancock at a previous school. I suspect he would be amused to look back to see him so formally described as "Esq., B.A. (Cantab.)". After the long list of reports from clubs and societies, on page 33 there is a characteristic demand for participation by Mr. Charles Smith in the Beta House notes. Finally, on page 40, the Old Boys' Association records alumni serving in Palestine and Korea, almost exactly 50 years ago.



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