JRGS David Wheeler Memories
JRGS Alumni Society

David Wheeler's Memories
John Ruskin Alumnus 1945-53

JRGS Alumni Society


We have uploaded here recollections from David Wheeler, who recalls the post-war Tamworth Road location.

Being a recent "joiner" of the electronic mail systems and web browsing, I was interested to come across the JRGS site. As a JRGS 'old boy' myself, I found it most interesting especially as I am now so far away. I started at John Ruskin Grammar School in 1945, just after the end of WWII in class 2H (H for Miss Hickmott) - there was yet no classes with the number 1 designation. I progressed through the classes, selecting the science option and repeated year five as I was too young to sit for the 'O' level at that stage. I continued on into the Lower and Upper Sixth forms, but did not do too well at my studies and did not achieve the passes necessary for my choice of career -Scientific Officer in the Civil Service. Instead, in 1953, I enlisted for a four-year term in the R.A.F. working in administration until discharged in 1957. I was able to obtain a position as a laboratory assistant at Wellcome Research Laboratories in Beckenham, but after a year, I left to pursue greener pastures in Australia.
I obtained a position as a cadet at the Red Cross Blood Transfusion Service in Brisbane and had to undertake a course of part-time study to qualify as a Laboratory Technician. This I did successfully, becoming married and having three sons in the process. On graduation, I left the Red Cross and took up a position as Senior Lab. Technician in the Pathology Department at the Prince Charles Hospital and over the next 27 years worked my way up the ladder to Chief Scientist of the Haematology Department until my retirement in 1994.
   I suppose it could be considered that I was a late developer in my academic achievements, but I remember my years at John Ruskin (all at Tamworth Road) with affection. The level of teaching was excellent; it was only my attitude to education at the time that led to my relatively low achievement. I made some good friends during my time there, still keeping in touch with one by regular correspondence. I would be interested to hear from fellow alumni of the period that I was at the school.

David Wheeler, Australia; November 2001 email

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