Archived News/Activities
- Page 88 - Sep thru Nov 2018 -

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Archived News/Activities - Page 88 - Sep thru Nov 2018 - |
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Paul Graham (JRGS 1959-66) reports death of Geoff Forbath (JRGS 1952-57)... |
Paul Graham, Iver, Bucks, November 2018 Email. |
Paul Johnson (1966-73) shares three original carols from teacher Martin Nunn... |
I have just received a letter
from Mr. Martin Nunn, a RE and Geography teacher at the school
from 1957 until 1973, and who also ran the school's Scripture Union. Some alumni may know that he is also an
organist who occasionally played at JRGS. Most will not know,
that Martin has also dabbled in composition, and sent me three
scores of Christmas music that he has wrote over the years. Sadly,
because his own church choir at Hayes Free Church in Bromley is now
disbanded, the songs are no longer performed.
Martin has been organist and choirmaster at the Church for many years
and, in retirement, at the age of 70, turned his hand to composition.
Despite his advanced years, Martin continues to enjoy good health, on the whole, although he is currently having a few tests for arrhythmia. At the grand age of 85 he still leads regular rambles, and remains grateful for good health! Paul Johnson, Haywards Heath West Sussex, November 2018 Email. Colin Taylor (JRGS 1959-64) adds: My abiding memory of the school organ is standing near the instrument while Mr. Field played Bach's Toccata and Fugue. It gave me an everlasting love of that rousing piece of music. |
Your webmaster sparks a conversation about Sixties bus ticket machines... |
My inclusion in a recent email to The
Alumni of this image of a ticket machine used on London Transport and
other buses during the Sixties initiated several interesting
Graham Donaldson (JRGS 1962-69)
Ah yes, the old Gibson machine, so named after its
inventor [former London Transport Superintendent of fare collection,
George Gibson]. You can almost hear the distinctive noise as the ticket was
issued and the call: "Any more fares please!" Route 260 would have been
rather longer in those days, running from Hammersmith to Barnet, having
taken over from the 660 trolleybus (Hammersmith-North Finchley) in
January 1962.
David Anderson
(JRGS 1964-71)
in the summer, I was
able to visit the London Transport Museum in Covent Garden, London, while my wife looked around the shops nearby. It is
well worth a visit and both parties kept happy.
John Byford
(JRGS 1959-66)
Marvellous fayre! Mel Lambert (JRGS 1959-65) adds: I came across these images of regular and coloured tickets - the lower ones with dates in place of bus routes - and an ad for the Gibson Automatic Ticket Machine from Ticket Equipment, Ltd. I recall asking conductors on the 130 route for spare rolls of paper, which I used for ... I forget!
Jim Thomas (JRGS 1959-66) unearths an autographed Speech Day Programme... |
I was searching through some
old files, and came across the Speech Day brochure from November 1963,
signed by the event's keynote speaker, then-BBC newsreader Michael
Incidentally, I started the
year celebrating my 70th birthday for two days with my wife Lynn at a
hotel in Windsor! Then in February I slipped and tore the tendon in my
knee, and had an operation to tie it back together that put me out of
action for over six weeks! - no driving either! Jim Thomas, Camberley, Surrey; October 2018 Email Colin Taylor (JRGS 1959-64) adds: I do remember Michael Aspel speaking at the 1963 Speech Day. Unfortunately, the only part of his speech I can recall was when he spoke in a Welsh accent - I think it was the first time I had heard someone speak "live" in an accent like that, and I recall being very impressed! Maurice Whitfield (JRGS 1959-66) adds: Am I right in remembering that Michael Aspel's interpretation of our 'Age Quod Agis' motto was to concentrate on what you're best at, thus putting Mr. Lowe's nose out of joint because his interpretation was to try your best at everything? |
John Turner (JRGS 1958-66) recalls two European school trips from the Sixties... |
I recently unearthed two diaries written in standard-issue blue exercise books, about school trips to Austria, Switzerland and Italy. I attach two small photos taken during the April 1963 school trip to Austria: one of me, our webmaster and Mike Balme (JRGS 1958-64) paddling in the lake in Zell-am-Zee, Austria; and the other of Mr. "Ron" Woodard and Mr. "Jim" Crowe, together with three boys, including Roy Lemmer. Click on either thumbnail to view larger versions. I took very few photos of people but plenty of the views and buildings. I would be interested to know if any of the other members of the school parties have surviving photos.
A few notes on the April 1961 journey to Lugano and Venice:
The second boat and train trip was in April1963 and took us to Vienna, Schonbrunn Palace, Vienna Woods and a ride on the Ferris wheel.
Members of the party were Mr. Woodard and Mr. Crowe; Group Leaders - Ian Davies, Mike Wrigglesworth, John Wheal and myself; Fifth Form - Chris Shaw, Tony Woods, Lawrence Max, Mel Lambert and Roger Taylor; Fourth Form - Turner, Frank Forster, David Orange, Paul Rayner, Peter Watson, Dick Fencott; Third Form - Dixon, Regester, Jenkins; Second Form - Rice, Guthrie, Donatie, Fridd, Harper, Martin, Cambridge and Jones. Please click on either image above to view a larger version. I wonder if anyone has other memories? The above was condensed from two quite detailed diaries. John Turner, AnyTown, AnyCounty, September 2018 Email
Mel Lambert (JRGS 1959-65)
I vividly recall that trip to Austria during the Easter 1963 vacation while I was in
5U with form master
Mr. David "Rhino" Rees. The train journey across
Europe was
surprisingly unrowdy, probably because we respected the teachers
travelling with us, and that the sixth formers were very eagle-eyed. At
one German station - Cologne, I recall - somebody in our carriage
purchased a bottle of brandy ... the result was predictable! (We did not
have couchettes going out; coming back I recall that we did.)
Paul Rayner
(JRGS 1960-66)
have dug up a couple of photos of the 1963 School Trip to Austria.
This was my first holiday outside the UK and maybe not appreciated as
much as it should have been.
I recall Dick Fencott buying 200 duty-free Viscount
cigarettes from the duty-free shop on the cross-channel ferry. These
were then smoked between Ostend and Cologne, at which time we were
roundly abused by the lady train cleaner, who waded through the
cigarette butts on the floor of our compartment, yelling at us that it
was “nichtraucher” (no smoking). ML adds: Your intrepid webmaster is pictured top-center in the left-hand image, sandwiched between Mr. Anthony Crowe and Roger Taylor (JRGS 1959-64). More. |
Your webmaster reports the sad death of Brian Dunning (JRGS 1947-52)... |
I have just discovered that Brian Eric Dunning (JRGS 1947-52) passed away on 5th of September, 2015, aged 78. According to an email from his son Stephen, Brian was born on 12th of July 1937, and after JRGS served his national service in Korea. During a meritorious career as a police officer, he received a Queen’s long-service medal for services to the crown in the capacity of law enforcement. Reportedly, Brian died peacefully after a short illness. His wife Patricia followed him a year later, and was survived by Stephen and his sister Loraine.
Brian is pictured here in an image he supplied to The Mill in 2003, showing his "unauthorized growth." As he explained: "Frequently, I was told to shave it off, an order I completely ignored since it was my pride and joy. In fact, whilst doing my National Service in Korea I waxed it 'military-style'. When this picture was taken I was aged 18 years and doing my national service with The Royal Sussex Regiment attached to and liaison with Intelligence Section of the 24th US Infantry Division on the 38th parallel of Korea. This probably was the reason that I spent the remainder of my working life as a detective in Special Branch!" Mel Lambert, Burbank, USA; September 2018 Email |
A full list of archived News/Events Pages can be found here. |
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