Archived News/Activities
- Page 30 - March 2006 -

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Archived News/Activities - Page 30 - March 2006 - |
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Lack of space prevents our including the following
items on the main News Page, but here are some interesting
events/comments from the past several months.
Ian Butterworth (JRGS/JRHS master 1963-80) offers school choir photographs... |
I have dug out some photos that were taken
of the School Choir & Orchestra conducted by Dr. Terry James in March
and May 1971; they might proved interesting for the website. The choir ones
were taken at the old St. Matthew's Church in Croydon near Croydon College,
which was demolished shortly afterwards! Ian Butterworth, March 2006 Email |
Mike Etheridge (JRGS 1963-65) shares various images of Fifties/Sixties vehicles ... |
With reference to the image of the vintage Ford Zephyr that appeared recently on the website, I thought that the Alumni might be interested in seeing some photographs I secured late last year in Bromley at a gathering of some favourite cars that date back to the Fifties and Sixties. Click on any image to view a larger version.
The Bromley Pageant of Motoring is held each
year at Norman Park. Anyone that has a pre-79 car is allowed, with an
admission ticket, to bring their car to the site and park free. I have always
found the event to be very relaxing and entertaining. There is a great range
of cars, lorries, buses and military vehicles on show, and a range of new
cars for sale/viewing, etc.
These pictures shown the before- and after-crash
views of the Alpine plus my old Spitfire, which was also wrecked in a crash.
On the bonnet of the Spitfire is a 4lb salmon trout that I caught on the
Sussex Ouse. Help in identifying the exact models of Allard, Jaguar, Singer and Talbot shown here is welcomed. And here, for your delight and delectation, is a final two dozen images from the Bromley Pageant -again any help in identifying these fascinating vehicles would be welcomed. Mike Etheridge, March 2006 Email Anne Smith (JRGS/JRHS teacher & SFC Principal 1970-99) adds: Have any of The Alumni ever been to Malta? Certainly up to about 15 years ago, all the cars and buses on the island appeared to have been exported from used car lots in England in the Fifties. I was there for a conference and there were enchanted cries of recognition from conference members who recognised the cars and buses from their childhoods. Mike Marsh (JRGS 1949-55) adds: If we are collecting pictures of old cars, I attach a shot (shown left) of my father's Mk1 Ford Consul in which we toured Scotland on our honeymoon in 1962; my wife, Jean, is beside it.
Mel Lambert
(JRGS 1959-65) adds: Lurking behind the Austin Seven convertible
shown above is a vehicle that I have
not seen for close to 40+ years: a two-tone Morris Eight convertible,
shown right. This is similar
A final word from Mike Etheridge:
Interesting that Mel's parents had a Series-E Morris - so too did my oldest
brother, Ron (75-years young). He tried to get
Raymond Brett (JRGS 1959-66) discovers the website via FriendsReunited.co.uk... |
This is quite a website on John Ruskin School.
of the School Football XI, taken about 1961/62, certainly brought back memories. Ray Brett, Calgary, Alberta, Canada. March 2006 Email Terry Weight (JRGS 1959-65) adds: It's good to hear from Raymond. I remember very many happy games of football for JRGS with Brett - which is how I think we always referred to him - running around like mad at left half (age!). Obviously, he has not yet stopped running! How long does it take to play a round at a 45-hole golf club? I think my wife would give up on me. |
Chris Green (JRGS 1955-59) recalls school life in the late-Fifties... |
It is raining outside, a typically tropical
downpour... bored with work, and not a lot to do in Bali since the
bombs went off last October. So I decided to have a look at John Ruskin
Grammar School in Google. I was delighted to see the article on
punishment and the register that Mr. "Joe" Lowe kept. All right, I was not a model student and hated school - and probably deserved beating - all the same it was Dickensian. I'm glad we put the potato up Mr. Lowe's Morris Minor exhaust. The final straw was when some malcontents got into the school and painted the doors with graffiti. They broke into Mr. Lowe's office, ate his biscuits and drank his sherry. He hauled me in for that one and, for once, I was innocent. I got expelled just the same. Overall, the school was an excellent seat of learning but it utilized the seat of pain too much. I never went back, and now I'm 61 - I don't regret a thing except for laughing at Mr. Peacock for being deaf and old. He was a nice man. Chris Green, Bali, Indonesia. March 2006 Email Terence Morris (JRGS 1942-50) adds: I recall Mr. Lowe's introduction of "School Rules" when he arrived from Wallasey Grammar School in 1945. They were more complex than anyone had even seen; more like a set of modern-day European directives. [ML adds: Professor Morris - an acknowledged criminologist - also pointed out that, in his original email, Chris Green had referred to the article on "capital punishment," instead of what he meant to state: "corporal punishment." Which explains the lack of a gibbet at the Tamworth Road and Shirley Road sites. My error.]
Anne Smith
(JRGS/JRHS teacher and Sixth-Form College Principal 1970-99) adds:
What I remember about the punishment book was the two crimes for which boys
were often beaten and which do not even exist in schools today: they were
"horseplay" and "tomfoolery". Corporal punishment fell into desuetude shortly
after the admission of girls to the school but, by default, not as at a
local school by decree.
Archived News/Events Pages have been moved here. |
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