Archived News/Activities
- Page 02 - April thru Aug 2002 -
Archived News/Activities - Page 02 - April thru Aug 2002 - |
Lack of space prevents our including the
following items on the main News Page, but here are some interesting
events/comments from the past several months.
H. A. "Peter" Otway (JRGS 1938-42) recalls wartime John Ruskin School... | |||||||
The school was, of
course, in Tamworth Road and the school playing field at the bottom of
Duppas Hill, which is now being built upon. The boys were grouped into
four houses: Alpha [red house colors], Beta [blue], Gamma [green] and
Delta [yellow]. School time - very rigid - was 9am to 4pm, Monday to
Friday. |
General School
Certificate Click on any thumbnail to view a larger version. And here to view a continuous PDF document. |
Mike Marsh (JRGS 1949-55) shares log tables & Mock GCE Maths exam from 1955... | ||||
Log Tables |
Mock GCE pg.1 |
Mock GCE pg.2 |
Mock GCE pg.3 |
Mock GCE pg.4 |
Mock GCE pg.5 |
Mock GCE pg.6 |
Mock GCE pg.7 |
Mock GCE pg.8 |
Mock GCE pg.9 |
writes: While I don't have any notebooks, I do have my set of Godfey
and Siddons' "Four-Figure Tables" from IIB, which I entered in 1950. The
cover and some of the other pages are covered in crib maths formulae that
were in common use in school at the time. |
Cliff Cummins (JRGS 1956-62) discovers school reports from 1958/59/60... | |||
Cliff writes:
I have scanned the cover of my School Report, plus pages from the Summer
Term 1958, Easter 1959 and Easter 1960. As you can see, I didn't fare too
well in RI, and not all the teacher comments are favourable, of course. |
Cross Country in early Sixties, scanned by Cliff Cummins (JRGS 1956-62)... | |
Cliff writes: Pictured here is myself (right in Beta House
shirt) and Bob Hoffman, who was younger than me and a contemporary
of John Rivers, after a cross-country practice run. (Incidentally, Bob
Hoffman played "Mole" in Toad of Toad Hall.) I was at JRGS from 1956 to
1962 in classes 1L (Mr. Lawes), 2S (Mr. Stock) then 2H (Mr. Howden) -
change of staff - 3G, 4G and 5G (Mr. Green) plus a further year in the
fifth in 5T (Mr. Thomas). |
JRGS Football XI from early Sixties, scanned by Cliff Cummins (JRGS 1956-62)... | |
Cliff writes: Pictured here is the School Football XI, about
1961/62. |
Your Webmaster reports on a JRGS Alumni Meeting in Richmond, Surrey | |
ex-JRGS pupils met on May 17, 2002, at the Lass o' Richmond Hill pub. Left to right: Paul Graham and Mel Lambert. Click on the image to download a larger version. Photo: Merelyn Davis |
Your Webmaster reveals background to JRGS masters photograph from 1954... |
Mel Lambert writes: Poking around the JRGS Alumni web site - and for
those of us with that sort of mind, the contents now occupy close to 200
Mbytes - I was reflecting on what I considered to be my favourite image.
While the school photos of our era are certainly evocative, the one
included left of
the masters sitting in the sunshine outside their new location is, to my
mind, truly wonderful. Unlike the stern visages we glimpse in the official offerings, here we see 20 or so teachers caught in an informal setting amongst the last of the construction rubble that was to be the new Shirley Road location. Can you imagine the excitement of a brand new school in the rolling hills of Shirley away from the town centre? The promise of new facilities - Mr. Hancock's prized (and much protected) school organ - and the sports grounds? With so many willing smiles evident in this shot, you can just tell that here are two dozen men who enjoyed what they did for a living. Or was it a vocation? Thanks once again to Mike Marsh for sharing with us all such a unique and treasured image.
Mike Marsh replies: Thank you for those few kind words; nice to
know that those of you younger than my era do appreciate what we had and
went through, and what you might call "earlier experiences". They were all
unique to us at the time and it is only when one comes to compare notes
with those who came along later to see and hear what the differences and
similarities were. |
Kent Sadler (JRGS 1969-76) reports on AGM of "Friends of Shirley Windmill"... |
He writes: The AGM of the "Friends of Shirley Windmill" was held on
Monday, 29 April, at Whitgift Trinity, Shirley Road. The usual die-hards
attended (about 26 in total - four of us being ex-pupils from the 50s, 60s
and 70s) to be presented with a summary of the last year, the financial
statements (net income up to £1,538) and an update of the forthcoming
year. Sadly, the guest speaker from the heritage group of Croydon was
unable to attend. |
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